Lowest damage


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The first thing you should do when you make your character is gather enough Alz, 800 I think.  And buy Vitality Mastery Lv 1 Upgrade.

The downside to using a single Training Blade on a Wizard and Force Archer is that you will not be able to use class specific buffs, only the regeneration skill.  In order to get the maximum skill experience during your time spent skilling, you want to be able to pull off Combo's of 15 or greater.  I do not have flawless data on the fact that comboing increases skill exp, but at the very least it gives your mind something to focus on as you skill up.  To do these large combo's you must do the lowest damage possible, that's why you only wield a singular training blade in the beginning. (Even if you're not comboing, just auto-attack with 2 novice skills you still wants to stay low damage per hit)