Arcane Explosion is a killer and they can cast 2-3 before you can get out of range

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Fire spells will do the most Cabal Alz damage in this fight, Curse of tongues is a helper but I would rather use Curse of agony over tongues in this fight.

Mind you, in most battles you should be able to hit Shadow Trance at least 2-3 times so spam out bolts when you see your trance state.

If he starts to mana drain you, do it back to him! This will keep the mana points equal and will make it come down to who has the most health and who can cause the most DoT, which is you. Just keep your mana up!

Most mages after a tough pvp fight need at least 30seconds to restore half of there mana which is more than enough to kill you again. Do not give them that chance. Keep your distance! Arcane Explosion is a killer and they can cast 2-3 before you can get out of range.

When you are training your pet, you'll need to make sure that you have enough food for the both of you so neither of you suffer.

Because the two of you will need food, cooking is a must have for the hunter so you can use the raw meat that you loot from mobs to help feed both you and your pet.